
Ascot Re specializes in providing casualty and professional lines reinsurance solutions designed to meet the unique needs of our clients.

We offer comprehensive treaty reinsurance protection for a wide range of risks, including primary, lead, and excess liability for various casualty, errors & omissions, and management liability lines.

Our reinsurance solutions include:

  • Proportional Reinsurance: Sharing premiums and losses with cedents for balanced risk management.
  • Excess of Loss Coverage: Protecting against significant losses that exceed a specified threshold.
  • Aggregate Covers: Capping total losses over a defined period.
  • Structured Solutions: Customizing reinsurance arrangements to meet specific risk management needs.

By partnering with Ascot, our partners gain access to a suite of tailored solutions that empower them to effectively manage exposures and navigate the complexities of the insurance landscape with confidence.


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