Chart Your Course
with Leadline
Capital Partners

Leadline Capital Partners™ is a global provider of specialty insurance and reinsurance solutions that designs customized portfolios for Ascot Group’s capital partners.

Used to measure the depth of water and ocean floor characteristics, the leadline has been a trusted navigation tool for thousands of years. Leadline Capital Partners similarly relies on Ascot’s deep history of innovation, problem solving and sound underwriting to navigate challenges and explore opportunities for our capital partners.  We have the skills, knowledge, and flexibility to create and deliver the right solutions.

Why partner with Leadline?

  • We combine Ascot’s strengths in capital markets, insurance, and reinsurance, using our team’s diverse expertise to match the best sources of risk to investor appetite.
  • We operate on Ascot’s one global platform, which allows us to access global specialty insurance and reinsurance markets. Our team has experience in insurance, reinsurance, and capital markets which enables us to structure risk and execute transactions that suit the investment appetite of our partners.
  • We provide a broad base of offerings that are attractive to both institutional investors and clients in the alternative capital and insurance-linked securities sector.
  • Ascot is well placed to expand its partnership with investors given our underwriting track record, reputation, access to unique portfolios of risk as well as its experience managing existing third-party capital.


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