Specie & Fine Art

Ascot is a market leader in Specie and Fine Art insurance, with one of the most well-known and respected teams in the Lloyd’s market.

Due to our expertise across the class, with a swift and fair claims team, we lead the majority of the business we write, including global programmes for some of the world’s largest entities.

Our coverage includes:

  • General Specie: We offer solutions for clients with high-value interests: bullion, securities, cannabis, cash, as well as mining interests for precious metals and stones
  • Jewellers’ Block: Ascot covers all aspects of a jeweller’s risk, including stock at premises and exposures at exhibitions or shows and the processing of stones
  • Cash in Transit: With a global portfolio ranging from independent businesses to multinational logistic companies, our connections to global risk managers help insureds minimise their risks in this segment
  • Fine Art: We seek to establish long-term relationships with museums including exhibitions, private collectors and galleries, dealers, shippers and packers to develop solutions that meet their ongoing needs
