Political Risk

We provide coverage for clients in some of the world’s most volatile places.

We supply a maximum line size of $50m, available for two niche areas:

  • Physical assets: Ascot covers permanent or mobile assets that may be subject to confiscation, nationalisation, embargos, physical damage or other forms of deprivation. Our expert teams of underwriters can help design appropriate coverage for losses caused as a result of political destabilisation. We are also able to insure currency and inconvertibility resulting from such events. We offer long-term insurance policies, up to 10 years non-cancellable or up to 15 years for export credit agencies or multilateral organisations, and up to $50m in available coverage.
  • Non-payment: We also offer a number of insurances for non-payment stemming from economic or financial distress in trade-related business. These solutions help protect a client against the risk of not receiving payments on due dates. In addition, we also offer coverage for non-payment, which helps banks or other lenders minimise the risk of borrowers defaulting on their obligations for non-trade related transactions (FG). Our FG solutions also benefit from Ascot’s long-term policies. For trade related credit, we can offer up to 7.5-year non-cancellation policies, with a line size of up to $15m. For FG, we can offer up to 5-year non-cancellation policies with a $10m maximum line size.
