Lawyers Professional Liability

The legal profession faces distinct changes, from evolving standards of care, to the increased use of technology, to economic challenges.

Our underwriting team has the expertise and proficiency required to craft customized solutions for law firms with 5 or more lawyers. We strive to find solutions for firms across a wide range of practice areas, focusing on firms that engage in tougher areas of practice, or have reported claims. We offer products on both a Non-Admitted and Admitted basis, including solutions on both a primary and excess basis, along with Quota Share capabilities.  We operate under a committed, individually approved, limited distribution model that focuses solely on meaningful partnerships with specialty LPL producers.

Key Facts

Target Industries
  • Private Law Firms (5-150 Lawyers)
Attachment Points
  • Primary, Excess, and Quota Share participation available
Ascot Differentiator
  • Dedicated Risk Management Website for Policy Holders
  • National Panel Council From Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker
Limits Offered
  • $5 Million
Minimum Premium
  • Primary Non-Admitted “Legalis Consilium:” $15,000
  • Primary Admitted “Legalis Vexillum:” $10,000
  • Excess Non-Admitted “Supra Primaria:” $15,000
Coverage Features
  • Up to 18-month policy periods and 60-day automatic tail
  • Admitted and Non-Admitted
  • Damages include pre and post-judgment interest
  • Firm and individual ERP options
  • Built-in additional coverages: disciplinary regulatory proceedings, subpoena, crisis event, pre-claim expense assistance (available where permissible by law)
Geographic Scope
  • 50 states and Washington D.C.
Target Industries
  • Private Law Firms (5-150 Lawyers)
  • Target Sub-Industries: 50% or more AOP must be collections
Limits Offered: $5,000,000
  • Geographic Scope: 50 States and Washington D.C
  • Admitted/Non-Admitted: Admitted and Non-Admitted
  • Up to 18 Month Policy Periods and 60 Day Automatic Tail
Ascot Differentiator
  • Dedicated Risk Management Website for Policy Holders
  • National Panel Council From Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman and Dicker
Coverage Features:
  • FDCPA/FRCA Fines and Penalties Coverage to the Limit
  • $500k TCPA Fines and Penalties
  • Built in 50/50 Hammer, Mutual Selection and Pre-Approved Counsel


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Risk Management
Resource Center

Ascot has partnered with the law firm Wilson Elser to provide you with a range of risk management tools. Our lawyers’ resource center is designed to help law firms adopt a proactive approach to risk management that may help reduce professional liability exposures. The website includes information and resources related to risk management, professional ethics, and best practices.
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