Technology E&O

As the world’s reliance on technology solutions for processing critical tasks and improving efficiencies, the increased threat of errors leading to significant financial loss for the technology providers is unavoidable.

Ascot offers leading Technology Errors & Omissions coverage to a broad range of technology providers including software developers, hardware manufacturers, and IT consulting firms to protect against defense and settlement costs.

Key Facts

Target Industries
  • Non-Licensed Service Oriented Industries
  • Target Sub-Industries: Consultants, TPAs, Staffing Firms, Property Managers, Trustees
  • Areas out of Appetite: Licensed Professionals, Talent Agents, Risks with Material Bodily Injury Exposure
  • Target Book Mix: Diversified Industries and Client Revenue Segmentation
Ascot Differentiator
  • Ability to Tailor Coverage to the Needs of Each Insured
  • Unencumbered Book of Business
Limits Offered: $10,000,000
  • $5,000 Minimum Premium
  • Attachment Points: Primary and Excess
  • Geographic Scope: U.S. Domiciled Risks with Worldwide Coverage
  • Admitted/Non-Admitted: Admitted and Non-Admitted
Coverage Features
  • Customized Definition of Professional Services


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