Ocean Cargo

Ascot’s Ocean Marine Cargo is a perfect partner for a less-than-perfect world.

We provide cargo and storage insurance for all types of goods in transit – by sea, air, or overland – and on a worldwide basis. Coverage is available on a primary or excess basis, in or beyond the ordinary course of transit.

Key Facts

Target Products
  • Manufactured Goods
  • Machinery
  • Clothing
  • Oil & Gas
  • STP
  • Transit Only
  • Stock and Excess Stock
  • General Merchandise
Limits Offered
  • Limits Offered: $15 million
  • Minimum Premium: $7,500
  • Geographic Scope: Worldwide
  • Admitted/Non-Admitted: Admitted and Non-Admitted
Ascot Differentiator
  • Underwriters Have Full Authority up to Max Limits
  • Ability to Offer Full STP Coverage
  • Underwriting Expertise
  • Ability to Offer Creative Solutions


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